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7 warning signs of “breast cancer”

Breast cancer  is the leading cancer that kills many Thai women each year. However, if you always observe your body, you will know that your body is sending out signals indicating something is wrong with your body. The cause of “breast cancer” is still unclear. Breast

Fat-blocking drugs: Can they really help you lose weight

If you are one of those who have thought about losing weight, you must have heard the advertisements for a type of weight loss drug called “Fat-blocking drugs” that will block fat from the food we eat and excrete it with our feces. There are shills or people who

The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss That Don’t Work

Are you the one who has tried to lose weight time and time again, but in the end it failed because after a short while you gained weight again, and even fatter than before? This situation happened because we used the wrong method. But don’t