How to detect symptoms of “deafness” yourself

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Have you ever called your friends but they couldn’t hear you? We often tease them that they are deafness”. Although this may sound a bit exaggerated, there are many people who would like to test themselves to see if they are really at risk of being hard of hearing. We have an easy method for you to try.

What is hearing loss?

As you know, hearing loss means that we start to not hear sounds clearly. Normally, we should be able to hear sounds louder than 25 decibels but not more than 90 decibels. ยูฟ่าเบท Hearing loss can affect just one ear or both ears.

If you have mild hearing loss, you may not be able to hear very soft sounds or whispers. If you have moderate hearing loss, you may not be able to hear sounds that are part of a normal conversation. And If you have severe hearing loss, you may not be able to hear loud sounds and may even hear very loud shouting at a low level or only slightly.

What causes hearing loss?

Deafness from loud noises

Most often, hearing loss is caused by prolonged exposure to loud sounds that damage the hair cells in the inner ear (sound levels of approximately 85 decibels or more). This can be temporary or permanent hearing loss. If hearing loss is caused by prolonged exposure to loud sounds, there is no cure. Therefore, you should not be in areas with excessively loud sounds for long periods of time. If you have to work, you should wear earplugs to reduce the volume.

Deafness due to unequal amniotic fluid syndrome (Mini Air)

Ménière’s disease is caused by abnormally high fluid pressure in the inner ear, which damages the hair cells of the inner ear. Symptoms may be similar to hearing loss, other noises in the ear, and dizziness. Initial symptoms may start with hearing loss that comes and goes, starting with a deep sound. Later, more severe dizziness, nausea, or vomiting may occur. If you have these symptoms, you should consult a doctor for treatment with medication or surgery.

Drug-induced hearing loss

Hearing loss can be caused by side effects of certain medications, such as painkillers, cough suppressants, compounds such as arsenic, lead, mercury, and antibiotics such as anti-inflammatory drugs. If you stop taking the medication, the symptoms may improve, or in some cases, the symptoms may occur after taking the medication for a while. If the symptoms are severe enough to interfere with your daily life, you should consult a doctor to change to a more appropriate medication.

Deafness due to aging

Simply put, it is a condition of hearing loss that comes with increasing age. When people are over 50 years old, the cells in the body begin to deteriorate. The hair cells in the inner ear may gradually deteriorate over time. It may start with not being able to hear high-pitched tones until it spreads to the level of normal conversation. Although it is a condition of hearing loss that cannot be cured, there are hearing aids that can be used to help the elderly.

Deafness due to auditory nerve tumor

Deafness from auditory nerve tumors will cause deafness on only one side. Symptoms will gradually increase. There will be loud noises in the ear, and it will be difficult to hear clearly, understand, or make out words (this can be observed when talking on the phone with the affected ear). If the tumor grows very large, it may press on the nerve, causing vision problems or a distorted face, and it will begin to be difficult to maintain balance.

Sudden deafness or hearing loss

It is caused by an infection of the inner ear, where there is insufficient blood supply to the inner ear, or it may be caused by a tumor pressing on the auditory nerve, which then presses on the blood vessels that supply the inner ear, which is very dangerous. You should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Deafness due to inner ear accident

Caused by an ear being hit, being hit in the earlobe, or being hit or hit hard from the back of the head until the inner ear bones are broken or ruptured. Symptoms may range from mild hearing loss to deafness, depending on the severity. There may also be other symptoms such as dizziness and numbness in the area of ​​the face close to the affected ear. Symptoms like this should be closely monitored by a doctor.

How to detect symptoms of “deafness” yourself

Try listening to a whisper from a distance of 10 centimeters, or hold your hand close to your ear, about 1 inch, and rub your index finger and thumb together until you hear a soft sound. This sound level is about 30 decibels. If you can hear it, your ears are normal. And If you can’t hear it, you may be at risk of hearing loss.

If anyone is still not sure whether they have hearing loss or have abnormal symptoms that interfere with daily life, they can go to get an ear check-up from an ear, nose and throat specialist at a hospital near their home.