What are the pros and cons of “plant-based and animal-based proteins”?

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Many people are becoming more concerned about their health and are becoming more interested in plant-based foods rather than meat. Plant-based proteins are therefore an option that is becoming increasingly popular. But what are the positive or negative effects of consuming plant-based proteins on the body, like vegetarians or vegans ? And how is it different from consuming animal-based proteins?

Pros and cons between protein from meat and protein from plants.

Pros of protein from plants.

According to the สมัคร ufabet Research Fund, not consuming meat can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by up to 35%. At the same time, eating a strict vegetarian or vegan diet can help improve health. And reduce the risk of many diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Therefore, eating protein from plants can help reduce the risk of these dangerous diseases.

Plant proteins found in beans and grains are rich in nutritional value. They are considered clean proteins that do not cause disease. Because they contain beneficial phytochemicals that are good for your health. In addition, plant proteins are easy to digest and absorb. Have fewer calories than animal proteins, have more good fats than animal proteins, and do not contain cholesterol. Importantly, they also help reduce the chances of colon cancer.

Disadvantages of plant-based proteins

Protein from plants mostly does not come with all the amino acids the body needs as much as meat. Only soybeans are considered to have complete protein that comes. With the most amino acids the body needs out of all protein plants. In addition, to eat plant protein in the same amount as getting protein from meat. It is necessary to eat enough plant protein to replace the protein you need to get each day.

However, plant-based protein does not cause any harm or harm to the body. Just make sure that you get enough plant-based protein each day. Because information from the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, states that people who do not get enough protein in their bodies are at risk of having weak muscles, feeling tired and not refreshed. Having low immunity, easily getting infected, slow-healing wounds, weak skin, and abnormal hormone and enzyme systems, to the point of risking death when lacking sufficient protein in the long term.

Benefits of Animal Protein

Meat contains many nutrients in addition to protein, which is the largest proportion of nutrients. It is called a “complete protein” because it is a protein that comes with 9 amino acids: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. Therefore, it can be said that meat is a protein source that has more complete amino acids and nutritional value than protein from plants.

Disadvantages of animal protein

Although it has higher nutritional value, animal protein has some precautions because it often comes with fat and cholesterol. If consumed in excessive amounts, it may increase the risk of dangerous diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver, etc. Therefore, you should choose to eat meat with low fat and cholesterol, such as chicken breast, skinless chicken breast, skinless fish, and eggs, which are also important sources of animal protein for the body. However, you should not eat more than 2 eggs per day, or those who are controlling their cholesterol levels may reduce their consumption of egg yolks. However, you should consult your doctor to determine how much you can eat.

In conclusion, plant-based protein is good for the body. Although it does not contain complete nutrients like animal-based protein, it can still be consumed. Because you can still choose to eat milk, eggs, and other dairy products (except for vegetarians). And you must be sure to eat enough to meet your body’s daily needs. As for animal-based protein, it provides complete nutritional value, but you must be careful about other nutrients such as fat and cholesterol that may be hidden together with meat. Therefore, you should choose to eat meat that is low in fat and cholesterol to reduce the risk of various dangerous diseases that may occur.

Also, don’t forget to exercise regularly and get enough rest for truly healthy body.